I had so much fun with the Bunnies Treasure Hunt, that I decided to go hunt out some great Bird patterns for you!
Omigosh~there is such an amazing variety of birds to pick from! Here is my collection of some GREAT Feathered Friends patterns for you to enjoy~

SUPER cute Pipsqueak Hats from Miss Jennifer of Crochet by Jennifer! (I own this one, and they are just DARLING!)

How fun is this Chicken Towel Topper, found over at Free Patterns.com? I need to make a couple of these up!

Miss Kara gets me every time, with her creativity! Look at these fun Little Chick Bean Bags she has as a FREE pattern on Petals to Picots!

I am loving Miss Lisa's realistic looking Free Bird pattern! She has a nice step-by-step "How-to" on her site for this guy!

Seriously~how BEAUTIFUL is this Hummingbird Garden Doily, from Miss Cylinda, over at Crochet Memories? I am in awe of this work!

Go see Miss Jessie for this cute little Owlet Lovey! It's a free pattern, that I can see in LOTS of different colors :)

This FREE pattern for Baby Chicks in Eggshells was found over at Red Hot Fibers~I am thinking cute Easter basket stuffers here!

Here's an awesome and VERSATILE pattern for Peekaboo Bird Buddies from Miss Jen over at Hatch-ed with Love!

Our resident Queen of Characters has done it again! Miss Heidi, of Snappy Tots has the CUTEST little collection going here, in her Spring Chickie Beanie, Stuffie, & Baby Chicks pattern!

Awwww...Every time I see Miss Stacy's Sleepy Ducky Lovey, I just want to give it a hug! Isn't it adorable???

I can't do a feathered friend collection without my own personal favorite design~my Majestic Owl Tote! This design is very near and dear to me, and I'm even using my model as a purse, as we speak!