So, let's take a little look at gauge! First of all~What IS gauge? Well~ the technical meaning is "the number of stitches/rows to the inch". This means how many stitches do we need to create, to make it measure 1 inch long, or how many rows do we need to complete to make it measure 1 inch high? This number can change, depending on LOTS of different things. What size is your hook? What size is your yarn? How is your tension~loose, tight, in-between? What stitch are you doing?
Next~Why do I have to match gauge? Well~if you are creating an item where size is an important factor, then you MUST be able to match gauge...otherwise, your finished item is NOT going to be the correct size. If the pattern calls for 10 sts in 2", to achieve a 10" length, and you only have 8 sts in 2", you will end up with an 11.5" length, when completing the same number of stitches! See~it DOES make a difference...
Now~How do I know if my gauge is right? Well~there is an easy way to check that! Make a gauge swatch! Many of the recommended swatches will measure 4" by 4". I like to stick with 2", but that is a personal preference. Look at the pictures below~