Yes~I get that the north is in a deep freeze. It's January, and this is what happens there. I know, I grew up in Michigan. But come on, Mother Nature! This is the SOUTH...it's not supposed to snow here!
My kids and husband are those strange creatures who actually think this white stuff is FUN. I, on the other hand, am NOT. It's pretty~for a minute...I will take pictures, and ooh and ahh, but then, I'm over it. It can all melt away now. I mention to the kids that they can build a snowman, if they can find a winter coat tucked away in their shorts and swim suits. Hats, and scarves, and mittens, they have a-plenty~Mama is a crochet designer! But a winter coat is completely different story! Who needs winter coats in 60 degree weather? So~they are layering on their little hoodies, and fleece pullovers, to go out to build a snowman...so they can shoot it with their new bow and arrows...
Pray for me, while I go crochet another blanket...