I've seen them, and thought~Omigosh! They are so cute, but what can I DO with them? I've heard a LOT of other people say the same thing...
THIS crafty lady decided to find out just WHAT I could do with them, because they are simply irresistible to me! And, in the process of finding out, I found out a lot of other interesting things about them, too, such as...

I ordered my yarn online, and when I received my package in the mail, I was so excited! I opened the box, and my first thought was "Oh my goodness! These are even smaller than I thought!" You can see how they measure up to my hand. Each little skein is approximately 28 yds of yarn, and I was amazed at what I could make with that amount!
These yarns are really very nice to work with. The cotton is SO soft, and the colors for each style are just beautiful. I love how they have each package color coordinated, or "Themed", so that you can mix and match the yarn colors in your projects, and they all work together.

These are the "Bonny Baby Sandals", and are available in three sizes for little feet~
You can find the pattern here~ Bonny Baby Sandals.
I hope that you enjoy making them up, and would LOVE to see your finished items! Look for more designs using this yarn in the near future...