A lot of people ask me where they can find products and supplies, and honestly~there are TONS of places! I like to shop online, at places like soapgoods.com, Bulk Apothecary, and Wholesale Supplies Plus. They have good quality butters, bases, oils, scents, colors, packaging materials, you name it! I did find all of the supplies for the Sunburn Cream at soapgoods.com...
Oh~you wanted the recipe, right? LOL~here it is~
Sunburn Cream
3 parts aloe butter
1.5 parts cocoa butter
1 part aloe juice
Dash vitamin E oil
*Note~ All "parts" are just an equal measurement. I happened to use tablespoons as my unit of measurement, so I used 3 TBS. of Aloe Butter, 1.5 TBS. of Cocoa Butter, and 1 TBS. of Aloe Juice. You can use any measurement you like, as long as you use the SAME measurement for all (cups, teaspoons, gallons...etc)
To make: Add both butters to a microwave safe container. Melt, using 30 second intervals, so they are JUST melted~you don't want it hot! Add the juice and Vitamin E oil, and blend well. I use a tiny battery operated whisk, to really whip it up, so its fluffy. Place your cream in a container with a lid,for storing.
Use as needed after over-exposure to the sun!