Happily, my husband made it home before Irene did! (Did I mention he's an OTR truck driver?) Needless to say, I did NOT finish his birthday gift before he got home, but he seems happy about it nonetheless...
Our little one cut both bottom teeth yesterday, as well! He's 3 1/2 months old, and ready to eat a steak! LOL Daddy found out they were through the hard way.
My 5 year old is still being...obstinate...and now, so is my 10 year old! The joys of motherhood! My 24 year old is now home, too, and that's going to be interesting, as he seems to enjoy bickering with the girls. Maybe I can find some homeschooling resources to keep them all busy, quiet, and out of my hair...oh, I'm sorry, did I drift into Fantasyland again?
Aside from being on the prowl for more homeschool resources, I'm also on the prowl for new inspiration. Halloween and Christmas are not that far away...maybe I can get inspired there...
Well, I'm off to seperate some children.