We have recently been plagued with the most horrible of all plagues for me~snakes! Really~as far as I'm concerned, the only good snake is a dead snake...I have an absolutely paralyzing fear of them!
I understand that not everyone feels this way~some people actually LIKE these creatures *shudder*! But, I am not one of them, and I just want them GONE! So, I started doing a little research on ways to keep them away from my house, and I found a solution that has actually worked so far. Follow me for a super simple, inexpensive, and harm-free way to deter these pests! |
Witch Hazel
Cinnamon Bark essential oil
Clove Bud essential oil
Spray bottle
*Essential oils are easily accessible online. I found mine at Soapgoods.com, where they have a nice selection of good quality oils, at very affordable prices. Many of them are available in .6 oz. sample sizes for just over $1, which is really nice if you want to try them out, before committing to a larger quantity. (I do not receive any compensation from soapgoods, by the way...I just wanted to pass on an inexpensive source ;) There are links to a few additional sources below, as well. )
Measure out 2 tablespoons Witch Hazel. (Note~I used a 2 oz. spray bottle, because that's what I had available, and the measurements are for this size. If you are increasing your batch, add 1 tablespoon of witch hazel for every ounce.)
Add .25 ml (about 8-10 drops) each of cinnamon bark essential oil and clove bud essential oil. (Again, if you are making a bigger batch, add 4-5 drops of each, per ounce.)
Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water. Shake well. The witch hazel disperses the oils into the water, and it is ready to use.
Spray around the base of your house, bushes, around doorways or other entry points. You can safely spray your entire yard, if you like! The oils used actually repel snakes (and even some bugs!) away from the area, without harming them.