My big baby girl is going to be 11 in just 4 more days. She is growing up SO fast! This year, she has only asked for 3 things for her birthday...a pair of fancy fingerless gloves, a new pair of slippers, and a poncho. I have finished the fingerless gloves (and made the pattern to boot!) am about halfway through the poncho, and need to get moving on the slippers! The only other thing she would be happy with (STRANGE girl!) is snow, but I can't control that one! Although, Mother Nature does seem to have PMS again~we've gone from beautiful 70's weather, to 32 last night! I had to re-stoak the fire this morning, AND turn the furnace on for a bit! I need to run over to the Weather Channel, and see what else we're in for...
I do believe Mr. Munchkin has decided to forgo his mini morning nap, so ta-ta for now! Have a beautiful day!